Air Compressor Systems

Reduce the number of hours that compressors need to be used, extending thier life

Air compressors are susceptible to deterioration over time and problems will build up over time if left unchecked. They are also notorious at being a hog on your energy usage. By implementing the TRAKKER system, you can gain new insights and control over the operation of this critical aspect of your facility.

With the TRAKKER system and a series of pressure transducers installed at various points in your air system, you will be able to locate leaks in the system and hunt down the places where you are losing money through inefficiency.

  • Control multiple compressors and shut off unneeded units, or add additional units based on demand
  • No more costly one-time air audits - constantly monitor your air loss and keep your system leaks to a minimum and gain help in finding existing leaks
  • See the percentage of air compression capacity that you have lost since your system was first implemented.

    A mere 10% reduction in efficiency can translate into thousands of dollars in wasted energy use per year.

  • Get early warning on corrosion caused by moisture in the system.